Week of
The Grant County Commissioners session
was called to order at
The Commissioners read and approved
the minutes of the preceding session as written.
The Commissioners signed an Interlocal
Agreement for provision of Search and Rescue Training Site between the Grant
County Sheriff’s Office and Grant County Fire Protection District No. 5.
The Commissioners approved the request
by the Cooperative Extension Office to use $3,000 of their MOA ending balance
as a cash match to support a ServiceCorps member in
The Commissioners signed the Public
Works Claims Fund Voucher Approval #9-1 through #9-113 in the total amount of
The Commissioners approved the request
by the Grant County Juvenile Department for the purchase of a convection oven
from capital outlay funds in the amount of $2,896.
The Commissioners approved the request
for transfer of funds in the Fairgrounds Department #158, in the total amount
of $8,200.
The Commissioners approved the request
by Grant County Emergency Management for the appropriation of $1,000 to the
current 2002 budget of Emergency Services Department # Account #525.60.31.00.
Chairman Snead was authorized to sign
a Contract Amendment with the Washington State Military Department on Contract
E 03007, Amendment A, providing an increase in the contract amount of $43,500.
A motion was made by Commissioner
Moore, seconded by Commissioner Allison that Resolution Number 2002-145-CC
setting a Public Hearing for
Chairman Snead was authorized to sign
Change Order #4 with PBI Construction, Inc. on the Grant Mental Healthcare
As of this date the Board by a majority
vote does approve for payment those vouchers included in the list filed in the
Auditors Office
The Commissioners signed the Payroll
Warrants list for the month of September.
A motion was made by Commissioner
Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead that Resolution Number 2002-146-CC
relating to the transfer of funds within the 2002 budget of the Law and Justice
Fund #121, Department #163 in the amount of $8,700 be passed. The motion carried.
The Commissioners signed a Notice of
Public Hearing regarding a supplemental/budget for Emergency Services Fund
#102, Department #144 in the amount of $1,000 from unanticipated state/federal
funds. Public Hearing to be held
The Commissioners approved the request
by the Grant County Law Library for a budget extension in the amount of $8,700.
The Commissioners approved the request
by Grant County District Court for a budget extension for the purchase of recording
The Commissioners held a Public
Hearing and a motion was made by Commissioner Allison, seconded by Commissioner
Moore that Resolution Number 2002-147-CC relating to a supplemental extension
in the Current Expense Fund #001, Jail Department #115 in the total amount of $12,370
be passed. The motion carried.
The Commissioners held a Public
Hearing regarding UDC Amendments. There
was no public in attendance. A motion
was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Allison to uphold the
Planning Commission Recommendations for approval of the following, with
findings of fact as provided by the Planning Department:
1. Agriculturally-Related Industry
& Activities
2. Extended-Family Living Arrangements
3. Accessory Dwelling Unit Size and
4. Emergency Services Facilities
5. Site Plan Review
motion carried.
The Commissioners approved the salary
increase of John Wallace of the Sheriff’s Office to $3,539.42 per month.
As there was no further business to
come before the Board the session was continued until
The session was continued with
Commissioner Snead and Commissioner Moore in attendance. Commissioner Allison was attending meetings
out of the office.
The Commissioners held a continuation
of the Public Hearing on the proposed amendment to the UDC on the sign size
proposal. After due consideration a
motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead to leave
this matter open for further consideration by the Board. The motion carried.
The Commissioners met with the Public
Works Director regarding Authorization to Bid-02-03 Crushing & Stockpiling
Project, Execution of Contracts-Landfill Cell Crushing & Stockpiling,
October 1st @2:00 p.m.-Zeck Butler-BBCC Campus Parkway Presentation,
Personnel, Miscellaneous.
The Commissioners signed a Contract
with Tommer Construction Company, Inc. regarding the landfill Cell Screening,
Crushing & Stockpiling, Solid Waste Project 2002-01.
The Commissioners signed the
Authorization to Call for Bids on the 2002/2003 Crushing and Stockpiling
Blackrock, O’Sullivan,
As there was no further business to
come before the Board the session was adjourned until
of the Board Chairman