Week of February 23, 2004


            The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


            The Commissioners approved the minutes of the February 17 , 2004 session.


            The Commissioners approved the salary, wage, and/or position changes as recommended by Angie Clark, Human Resources Director, for: Tracy Jones, Sheriff’s Office, June Strickler, Prosecuting Attorney’s Office; Kathryn Smith, Assessor’s Office; and Diane Atkinson, Assessor’s Office.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that Resolution No. 04-023-CC, a resolution relating to the transfer of funds within the 2004 budget of the Mental Health Fund #108, Department #150, in the amount of $462,726, be passed. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners approved the request of Jennifer Lane, Administrator, PARC, for expenditures related to PARC’s unreserved fund balance from 2003.


            The Commissioners approved the request of M. Christine Price, Chair, Extension Faculty/4-H Youth Development, for out of state travel for Gary Pelter to attend the Western Regional Onion Pest Management Strategic Planning Meeting, Boise, Idaho, February 25 through 27, 2004. Mr. Pelter will be transporting three onion industry people from the area as well.


            The Commissioners received a Notice of Claim from Daniel Murphy. The matter was referred to Washington Rural Counties Insurance Pool for handling.


            The Commissioners received a Summons and Complaint from Central Leasing of Washington, LLC. The matter was referred to the Prosecuting Attorney for handling.


            As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amount of $174,297.74, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.


            As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until February 24, 2004.


February 24, 2004


            The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


            The Commissioners met in executive session for thirty five minutes with legal counsel regarding the public defense contract.


            A Public Hearing was held and a motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, that Resolution No. 04-024-CC, a Resolution relating to a supplemental extension in the Cumulative Reserve Fund #105 budget of Department #147 from unanticipated state and/or federal funds in the amount of $10,377, be passed. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners held an Open Record Public Hearing on the Interim Rural Areas of Intensive Development (“RAIDs”). The public was invited to comment. After taking public comment, a motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, to close the public comments portion of the hearing. The motion carried. A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, to adopt the most recent resolution and Ordinance 2003-070-CC, various residential communities. Discussion ensued regarding the Ordinance number. Commission Moore moved to restate the original motion to adopt extensions of: 1) Ordinance No 2003-125-CC establishing interim controls regarding density in Rural Residential 2 and 3 Zone and development with rural areas of more intensive development (“RAIDS”); and 2) Ordinances #2003-069, 070, 071, 072, 073, 074, 075, 076, and 077-CC relating to the interim Official Controls identifying Interim RAID Boundaries with all Grant County RAIDs. Commissioner Snead seconded the motion. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, that Ordinance No. 04-025-CC, an Ordinance Relating to the Re-adoption and Extension of Ordinance 2003-125-CC, Interim Official Controls temporarily amending the residential development densities in Rural Residential 2 (RR2), Rural Residential 3 (RR3), Rural Community (RC), Agriculture Service Center (ASC), Recreational Development (RD), Shoreline Development 1 (SD1), Shoreline Development 2 (SD2), Shoreline Development 3 (SD3), Shoreline Development 4 (SD4), Rural Village 1 (RVR1), Rural Village 2 (RVR2), and limiting non-agricultural industrial development and commercial development in Rural General Commercial (RGC), Rural Neighborhood Commercial (RNC), Rural Freeway Commercial (RFC), Rural Recreational Commercial (RRC), Rural Light Industrial (RLI), and Rural Heavy Industrial (RHI), Rural Residential 2 (RR2), Rural Residential 3 (RR3), Rural Community (RC), Agriculture Service Center (ASC), Recreational Development (RD), Rural Village Commercial (RVC), Rural Village Industrial (RVI), Shoreline Development 1 (SD1), Shoreline Development 2 (SD2), Shoreline Development 3 (SD3), Shoreline Development 4 (SD4) zoning districts, and other matters properly relating thereto, be passed. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that Resolution/Ordinance No. 04-026-CC, an Ordinance Extension (#3) of Ordinance 2003-074-CC Relating to the Rescission of Interim Ordinance No. 2002-47-CC and Adoption of Interim Official Controls identifying Interim RAID Boundaries in the Rural Community (RC), Agriculture Service Center (ASC), Recreational Development (RD), Rural Village (RV), Shoreline Development 1 (SD1), Shoreline Development 2 (SD2), Shoreline Development 3 (SD3), Shoreline Development 4 (SD4), Rural General Commercial (RGC), Rural Neighborhood Commercial (RNC), Rural Freeway Commercial (RFC), Rural Recreational Commercial (RRC), Rural Light Industrial (RLI), and Rural Heavy Industrial (RHI), zoning districts, and other matters properly relating thereto, General Area, be passed. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, that Resolution/Ordinance No. 04-027-CC, an Ordinance Extension (#3) of Ordinance 2003-069-CC Relating to the Rescission of Interim Ordinance No. 2002-47-CC and Adoption of Interim Official Controls identifying Interim RAID Boundaries in the Rural Community (RC), Agriculture Service Center (ASC), Recreational Development (RD), Rural Village (RV), Shoreline Development 1 (SD1), Shoreline Development 2 (SD2), Shoreline Development 3 (SD3), Shoreline Development 4 (SD4), Rural General Commercial (RGC), Rural Neighborhood Commercial (RNC), Rural Freeway Commercial (RFC), Rural Recreational Commercial (RRC), Rural Light Industrial (RLI), and Rural Heavy Industrial (RHI), zoning districts, and other matters properly relating thereto, Soap Lake Area, be passed. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that Resolution/Ordinance No. 04-028-CC, an Ordinance Extension (#3) of Ordinance 2003-072-CC Relating to the Rescission of Interim Ordinance No. 2002-47-CC and Adoption of Interim Official Controls identifying Interim RAID Boundaries in the Rural Community (RC), Agriculture Service Center (ASC), Recreational Development (RD), Rural Village (RV), Shoreline Development 1 (SD1), Shoreline Development 2 (SD2), Shoreline Development 3 (SD3), Shoreline Development 4 (SD4), Rural General Commercial (RGC), Rural Neighborhood Commercial (RNC), Rural Freeway Commercial (RFC), Rural Recreational Commercial (RRC), Rural Light Industrial (RLI), and Rural Heavy Industrial (RHI), zoning districts, and other matters properly relating thereto, Ridgeview Estates Rural Community, be passed. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, that Resolution/Ordinance No. 04-029-CC, an Ordinance Extension (#3) of Ordinance 2003-071-CC Relating to the Rescission of Interim Ordinance No. 2002-47-CC and Adoption of Interim Official Controls identifying Interim RAID Boundaries in the Rural Community (RC), Agriculture Service Center (ASC), Recreational Development (RD), Rural Village (RV), Shoreline Development 1 (SD1), Shoreline Development 2 (SD2), Shoreline Development 3 (SD3), Shoreline Development 4 (SD4), Rural General Commercial (RGC), Rural Neighborhood Commercial (RNC), Rural Freeway Commercial (RFC), Rural Recreational Commercial (RRC), Rural Light Industrial (RLI), and Rural Heavy Industrial (RHI), zoning districts, and other matters properly relating thereto, the Gorge Recreational Development, be passed. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison, that Resolution/Ordinance No. 04-030-CC, an Ordinance Extension (#3) of Ordinance 2003-070-CC Relating to the Rescission of Interim Ordinance No. 2002-47-CC and Adoption of Interim Official Controls identifying Interim RAID Boundaries in the Rural Community (RC), Agriculture Service Center (ASC), Recreational Development (RD), Rural Village (RV), Shoreline Development 1 (SD1), Shoreline Development 2 (SD2), Shoreline Development 3 (SD3), Shoreline Development 4 (SD4), Rural General Commercial (RGC), Rural Neighborhood Commercial (RNC), Rural Freeway Commercial (RFC), Rural Recreational Commercial (RRC), Rural Light Industrial (RLI), and Rural Heavy Industrial (RHI), zoning districts, and other matters properly relating thereto, Wheeler Area, be passed. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, that Resolution/Ordinance No. 04-031-CC, an Ordinance Extension (#3) of Ordinance 2003-076-CC Relating to the Rescission of Interim Ordinance No. 2002-47-CC and Adoption of Interim Official Controls identifying Interim RAID Boundaries in the Rural Community (RC), Agriculture Service Center (ASC), Recreational Development (RD), Rural Village (RV), Shoreline Development 1 (SD1), Shoreline Development 2 (SD2), Shoreline Development 3 (SD3), Shoreline Development 4 (SD4), Rural General Commercial (RGC), Rural Neighborhood Commercial (RNC), Rural Freeway Commercial (RFC), Rural Recreational Commercial (RRC), Rural Light Industrial (RLI), and Rural Heavy Industrial (RHI), zoning districts, and other matters properly relating thereto, Moses Lake Area, be passed. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that Resolution/Ordinance No. 04-032-CC, an Ordinance Extension (#3) of Ordinance 2003-073-CC Relating to the Rescission of Interim Ordinance No. 2002-47-CC and Adoption of Interim Official Controls identifying Interim RAID Boundaries in the Rural Community (RC), Agriculture Service Center (ASC), Recreational Development (RD), Rural Village (RV), Shoreline Development 1 (SD1), Shoreline Development 2 (SD2), Shoreline Development 3 (SD3), Shoreline Development 4 (SD4), Rural General Commercial (RGC), Rural Neighborhood Commercial (RNC), Rural Freeway Commercial (RFC), Rural Recreational Commercial (RRC), Rural Light Industrial (RLI), and Rural Heavy Industrial (RHI), zoning districts, and other matters properly relating thereto, Mae Valley Shoreline, be passed. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, that Resolution/Ordinance No. 04-033-CC, an Ordinance Extension (#3) of Ordinance No. 2003-077-CC Relating to the Rescission of Interim Ordinance No. 2002-47-CC and Adoption of Interim Official Controls identifying Interim RAID Boundaries in the Rural Community (RC), Agriculture Service Center (ASC), Recreational Development (RD), Rural Village (RV), Shoreline Development 1 (SD1), Shoreline Development 2 (SD2), Shoreline Development 3 (SD3), Shoreline Development 4 (SD4), Rural General Commercial (RGC), Rural Neighborhood Commercial (RNC), Rural Freeway Commercial (RFC), Rural Recreational Commercial (RRC), Rural Light Industrial (RLI), and Rural Heavy Industrial (RHI), zoning districts, and other matters properly relating thereto, Ephrata Area, be passed. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that Resolution/Ordinance No. 04-034-CC, an Ordinance Extension (#3) of Ordinance 2003-075-CC Relating to the Rescission of Interim Ordinance No. 2002-47-CC and Adoption of Interim Official Controls identifying Interim RAID Boundaries in the Rural Community (RC), Agriculture Service Center (ASC), Recreational Development (RD), Rural Village (RV), Shoreline Development 1 (SD1), Shoreline Development 2 (SD2), Shoreline Development 3 (SD3), Shoreline Development 4 (SD4), Rural General Commercial (RGC), Rural Neighborhood Commercial (RNC), Rural Freeway Commercial (RFC), Rural Recreational Commercial (RRC), Rural Light Industrial (RLI), and Rural Heavy Industrial (RHI), zoning districts, and other matters properly relating thereto, Stratford Road Area, be passed. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners met with Derek Pohle, PE, Director/County Road Engineer, Public Works Department, regarding: 2:00 p.m. Bid Opening – V-Plow/Tailgate Sander; 2:10 p.m. Bid Opening – 20 each 40 cu yd drop boxes; Execution of Contracts: Autos and Pickups, Tow Paver, Air Compressors, Propane Tank; CRAB: Road Fund Expenditures for Fish Passage Barrier Removal; Execution of Interlocal Agreement: Clark County; Contract Award Recommendation: Large Format Printer, Copier and Scanner, 6,000 gallon Semi Water Tank, Lubrication Rack, Asphalt Hauling and Dispatch Services, Herbicide Application Program; Central Shop; BBCC Parkway/Port of Moses Lake; Crescent Bar Bridge; Weight Limits; and In the New Cell/ March 1st.


            The Commissioners held a Bid Opening on Equipment Contract 2004‑10, one (1) V-Plow and one (1) Tailgate Sander. A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, to refer the bids to Public Works for their review and recommendation. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners held a Bid Opening on Equipment Contract 2004‑11, 20 each 40 Cy Drop boxes. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to refer the bids to Public Works for their review and recommendation. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners signed the Washington State County Road Administration Board Certification of Road Fund Expenditures for Fish Passage Barrier Removal.


            The Commissioners signed the following Equipment Contracts as recommended by Derek Pohle, PE, Director/County Engineer, Public Works Department: a) ER&R 2004-01 between Grant County and Discovery Ford, Moses Lake, Washington; b) Equipment Contract 2004-02 between Star Rentals and Sales, Yakima, Washington; c) Equipment Contract 2004-03 between Western Power & Equipment, Spokane, Washington; and d) Equipment Contract 2004-05 between United Rental, Moses Lake, Washington.


            The Commissioners approved the recommendation of Derek Pohle, PE, Director/County Engineer, Public Works Department, that the following contracts be awarded: a) Large Format Copier to DLT Solutions, Herndon, Virginia, in the amount of $19,336.00; b) 6000 Gal. Semi Water Trailer to Western Power & Equipment, Spokane, Washington, in the amount of $67,419.81; c) Lubrication Rack to Northwest Pump, Spokane, Washington; d) Asphalt Hauling and Dispatch Services 2004/2006 to Okanogan Seattle Transport, Ellensburg, Washington, in the amount of $0.0062 per cwt mile with a standby charge of $60.00 per hour; and e) 2004 Herbicide Application to ASAP Spray, Ephrata, Washington, in the amount of $130,815.


            The Commissioners received a Claim for Damages from Israel Sanchez Sandoval. The matter was referred to Washington Rural Counties Insurance Pool for handling.


            The Commissioners approved the start date of March 22, 2004 for John Martin, Grant Mental Healthcare.


            The Commissioners approved the request made by Sam Lorenz, Emergency Management Director, for the purchase of equipment using grant funds.


            As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until February 25, 2004.


February 25, 2004


            The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


            The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Federal Annual Certification Report, US Department of Justice, Criminal Division. Law Enforcement Agency: Grant County Sheriff’s Office/Interagency Narcotics Enforcement Team.


            As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until February 26, 2004.


February 26, 2004


            The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with the Commissioners Allison and Snead in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Commission Moore was out of town and excused.


            The Commissioners signed the Public Works Payroll Journal for the month of February 2004.


            The Commissioners signed the Public Works Claims Fund Voucher Approval No. 02-1 through No. 02-116 in the total amount of $252,680.12, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.


            As there was no further business to come before the Board, the session was adjourned until March 1, 2004.












Clerk of the Board


Grant County, Washington



LeRoy C. Allison, Chair



Tim Snead



Deborah Moore