Week of January 12, 2004


            The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


            The Commissioners approved the minutes of the January 5, 2004 session.


            The Commissioners approved the request of Jennifer Lane, PARC Director, to allow a one (1) day carry-over in excess of the twenty five day maximum from 2003 to 2004 for Marlo Alvarado, in accordance with the exception policy in the Annual Leave Administrative Policy 02-04.


            The Commissioners notified the Ephrata Youth Assets that they had approved $2,700 for the year 2004 budget.


            The Commissioners notified the Moses Lake Senior Opportunity and Services that they had approved $3,000 for the year 2004 budget.


            A Closed Record Public Hearing was held regarding the Clayton Massey Reasonable Use Exception application. A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, to uphold the Planning Commission’s unanimous recommendation and approve the Reasonable Use Exception of Clayton Massey to allow the development of a single-family dwelling on a 4.5 acre parcel in the Rural Residential 1 Zone, located at 12345 Dodson Road, Ephrata, Grant County, WA, with the nine (9) Conditions of Approval, approving the 24 foot easement, and six (6) Findings of Fact. The motion carried. Commissioner Snead abstained.


            A Closed Record Public Hearing was held regarding the Ed Schemp Preliminary Plat application. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to uphold the Planning Commission’s unanimous recommendation and approve the Preliminary Plat application by Ed Schemp of six lots on 106± acres in the Agricultural Zone, located in Section 7 Township 21 N Range 26 EWM, Grant County, WA, with the 14 Conditions of Approval, recommended Condition of Approval number 12., by Fish and Wildlife, deleted in its entirety, seven (7) Findings of Fact, rescinding the current four (4) lot short plat, and noting that two (2) lots will not have residential capacity. The motion carried.


            As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers as presented by the Grant County Health District: Payroll, Payroll vouchers #1 – 4, and General Fund Vouchers #5 – 62, and have been recorded on a listing which has been made available to the Board in the amount of $113,934.70.


            The Commissioners approved a monthly salary increase for the Assessor, Auditor, Clerk, Coroner, and Treasurer, effective January 1, 2004.


            The Commissioners approved the salary, wage, and/or position changes as recommended by Angie Clark, Human Resources Director, for Loretta Swager, District Court; Sandra Muder, Clerk’s Office; Stacie L. Woodell, Juvenile Department; Michael A. Hinsley, Juvenile Department; Jennifer L. Ratigan, Juvenile Department; Sue Hataway, DCL – Supported Living; Kris Trowbridge, Sheriff’s Office; Brian Kissler, Jail; Rich Flanigan, Information Services; Scott Clark, Planning; Starr Winters, Clerk’s Office; and Tammy Allen, Clerk’s Office.


            The Commissioners approved the starting date of January 1, 2004 for Travis Skidmore, Emergency Management.


            The Commissioners approved the separation date of January 9, 2004 for Erin Reyes, DCL – Admin Supported Living.


            The Commissioners set a Public Hearing regarding the proposed Ordinance/Resolution repealing Ordinance Number 91-75-CC regulating noise disturbances, currently codified in the Grant County Code as Chapter 6.24 GCC enacting new text for Chapter 6.24 GCC regulating noise disturbances and, other matters properly relating thereto. The hearing is set for February 3, 2004 at 10:30 a.m. in the Commissioners’ Hearing Room, Grant County Courthouse, Ephrata, Washington.


            The Commissioners approved the request from Warren Swanson, Grant County Juvenile Services, for the purchase of computers and printers in the amount of $11,650 using JAIBG grant funds.


            The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Memorandum of Agreement with WSU Extension and Grant County for the 2004 budget year.


            As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amount of $317,163.38, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.


            The Commissioners signed the Public Works Claims Fund Voucher Approval No. 01-1 through No. 01-142 in the total amount of $814,946.83, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.


            The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the State of Washington Invoice Voucher, Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development, CDBG Contract No. 03-64003-004, Payment Request #12 (NCCAC).


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that Ordinance/Resolution Number 04-001-CC, an ordinance/resolution amending the Unified Development Code Chapter 23.12 Table 3. Density, Dimension and Open Space Standards for Rural Activity Center Zoning Districts, changing the Minimum Setback from the front or road, in the Quincy Adult Recreation Park Model Condominium, Phase 1, from 20 feet to five (5) feet. Quincy Adult Recreation Park Model Condominium, Phase 1, be passed. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, that Resolution Number 04-002-CC, a resolution relating to the abolition of an existing county fund named Employee Benefit Fund #504, be passed. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that Resolution Number 04-003-CC, a resolution in the matter of approving a Plat Alteration of Lots 707 through 717, Lot 726 and Lots 748 through 754 of the Larson Subdivision Plat, located in the NE ¼ of Section 05, Township 19 North, Range 28 EWM, Grant County, WA, Larson Replat No. 11, Grant County Housing Authority, be passed. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, that Resolution Number 04-004-CC, a resolution authorizing implementation of a Self-Insurance Program for Grant County’s Group Employee Medical Insurance Plan and, other matters properly relating thereto, and repealing Resolution No. 03-162-CC in its entirety, be passed. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners received the resignation of June Strickler from the Executive and Administrative Boards of the Columbia Basin Groundwater Management Area, effective March 31, 2004.


            An Appeal of David C. Maehren and Susan C. Maehren, to the Board of Adjustment’s Decision on Variance Application were received from Richard and Ida Denning as well as Michael R. Delp, et al. These matters were referred to the Prosecuting Attorney for handling.


            As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until January 13, 2004.


January 13, 2004


            The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with Commissioners Allison and Snead in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Moore was out of town and excused.


            A Closed Record Public Hearing was held regarding the Walter and Maria Stephens Preliminary Long Plat application. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison, to uphold the Planning Commission’s unanimous recommendation and approve the Preliminary Long Plat application by Walter and Maria Stephens to allow a subdivision consisting of approximately 40 acres intended to create eight lots, located in the Rural Residential 1 Zone, in a portion of Section 27 Township 22 North, Range 27 EWM, Grant County, WA, with the 12 Conditions of Approval (Conditions of Approval number 10. amended to read the name “Stephens Estates [FU 42 46 B 70])”, and seven (7) Findings of Fact. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners met with Derek Pohle, PE, Director/County Road Engineer, Public Works Department, regarding: Authorization to Call for Bids – Br #347, S NW Rd, Br #388, 7 NW Rd, Br #386, M NW Rd and Br #169, Hunter Canyon Road; Resolution Assigning CRP Numbers; Campus Parkway – R/W Condemnation; and Director schedule.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison, that Resolution Number 04-005-CC, a resolution in the matter of initiating county road projects and assigning CRP numbers, be passed. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners signed the Authorization to Call for Bids on Bridge #347, S NW Rd, CRP 03-08, BRS-13CF(001), TA2581 and Bridge #388, 7 NW Rd, CRP 03-09, BRS-13CG(001), TA2582. Bids are to be opened Bids are to be opened January 27, 2004 at 1:30 p.m.


            The Commissioners signed the Authorization to Call for Bids on Bridge #386, M NW Rd, CRP 03-08, BRS-13EQ(001), TA2583 and Bridge #169, Hunter Canyon Rd, CRP 00-06, BROS-2013(057), TA 1564. Bids are to be opened January 27, 2004 at 2:00 p.m.


            A Closed Record Public Hearing was held regarding the Bruce Perry application for a Plat Alteration (re-plat). A motion was made by Commissioner Snead seconded by Commissioner Allison, to uphold the Planning Commission’s unanimous recommendation and approve the plat alteration (re-plat) application by Bruce Perry, consolidating lots 45, 46 and 47 of Desert Aire #1 into one lot, with the seven (7) Conditions of Approval and six (6) Findings of Fact. The motion carried.


            A Closed Record Public Hearing was held regarding the Lane and Lynn Strickland Preliminary Replat Application. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison, to uphold the Planning Commission’s unanimous recommendation and approve the Lane and Lynn Strickland Re-Plat Application to consolidate lots #166 and 167 of Desert Aire No. 1, with the 12 Conditions of Approval and seven (7) Findings of Fact. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners approved the salary, wage, and/or position changes as recommended by Angie Clark, Human Resources Director, for Anna Hirz, Prosecutor’s Office.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison, that Resolution Number 04-006-CC, setting the 2004 assessment rate at $30.00 per parcel for Turnkey Lighting District, be passed. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners approved a 2.5 percent general wage increase to the Compensation Plan salary structure for Grant County non-represented positions, effective January 1, 2004. The Commissioners approved a 2.5 percent general wage increase to the maximum wage for non-represented positions not currently reflected in bands of the Compensation Plan, except the Home Care Aide position, the Chief Deputy Sheriff and Undersheriff positions, County Commissioner position and the District Court and Superior Court Judge positions.


January 14, 2004


            The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with Commissioners Allison and Snead in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Moore was out of town and excused.


            As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amount of $55,458.66, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison, that Ordinance/Resolution Number 04-007-CC, an Ordinance/Resolution relating to Comprehensive Planning for Grant County in accordance with the Washington State Growth Management Act (Chapter 36.70A RCW), the State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA, Chapter 43.21.C RCW), and the Final Decisions and Orders of the Eastern Washington Growth Management Hearings Board; amending and adopting Growth Management Act compliant Rural Areas of More Intensive Development (RAIDs), be passed. The motion carried.


            As there was no further business to come before the Board, the session was adjourned until January 20, 2004.












Clerk of the Board


Grant County, Washington



LeRoy C. Allison, Chair



Tim Snead



Deborah Moore