Week of January 26, 2004


            The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with Commissioners Allison and Snead in attendance with the Clerk of the Board. Commissioner Moore was out of town and excused.


            The Commissioners approved the minutes of the January 20, 2004 session.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison, that Resolution Number 04-011-CC, setting a Public Hearing relating to the facts requiring an appropriation and expenditure of funds, CRID Bond Fund #2001-1, Fund 224-001, in the amount of $20,000, be passed. The motion carried. The Public Hearing is set for February 17, 2004 at 3:00 p.m.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison, that Resolution Number 04-012-CC, setting a Public Hearing relating to the facts requiring an appropriation and expenditure of funds, CRID Bond Fund #2001-2, Fund 225-001, in the amount of $5,000, be passed. The motion carried. The Public Hearing for February 17, 2004 at 3:30 p.m.


            The Commissioners signed the Professional Services Agreement for Coordinator and Facilitator Consultant Project: Columbia Basin Ground Water Management Area (“GWMA”) between Paul Stoker and Grant County for the provision of GWMA services.


            The Commissioners received a claim against Grant County Public Defender Contract from Charles Schlesinger. The matter was referred to the Prosecuting Attorney for handling.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison, that Resolution Number 04-013-CC, a resolution approving the Bruce Perry plat alteration of lots 45, 46, & 47, creating one lot in Desert Aire #1, located in Section 23, Township 14 N. Range 23 EWM, Grant County, Washington, be passed. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison, that Resolution Number 04-014-CC, a resolution approving the Lane and Lynn Strickland preliminary replat of lots #166 and #167 in Desert Aire No. 1, consisting of .37± acres located in Section 22, Township 14 North, Range 23 EWM, Grant County, Washington, be passed. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison, that Resolution Number 04-015-CC, a resolution approving the Walter and Maria Stephens preliminary plat of an eight (8) lot subdivision, on 40 acres in the Rural Residential 1 Zone of Grant County, located in a portion of Section 27, Township 22 North, Range 27 EWM, Grant County, Washington, be passed. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Allison, that Resolution No. 04-016-CC, a resolution setting the salary for the Grant County Prosecuting Attorney at $8,991.00 per month, be passed. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners approved the salary, wage, and/or position changes as recommended by Angie Clark, Human Resources Director, for Lynne Fronsman, Auditor’s Office; Michelle Jaderlund, Auditor’s Office; Danielle Shaw, Auditor’s Office; Orvella Fields, Commissioners’ Office; Jessica R. Hinen, District Court; and JoAnne Francis, Interfund Communications.


            The Commissioners approved the separation date of January 20, 2004 for Stephanie Spanjer, DCL – Supported Living.


            As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amount of $187,482.83, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.


            The Commissioners signed the HIPPA Business Associate Agreement Addendum between Grant County and Rehn & Associates. The Addendum supplements, and is made a part of, the previously signed Administrative Services Agreement.


            As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until January 27, 2004.


January 27, 2004


            The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


            The Commissioners met with Derek Pohle, PE, Director/County Road Engineer, Public Works Department, regarding: 1:30 p.m. Bid Opening - Br #347, S NW Rd, Br #388, 7 NW Rd; 2:00 p.m. Bid Opening - Br #386, M NW Rd and Br #169, Hunter Canyon Road; Authorization to Call for Bids – 1 Air Compressor; 1 Propane Tank w/Trailer; 1 Tow Paver; 1 Street Sweeper; Financial Responsibility Report – Regarding Underground Storage Tanks; Contract Extension – Household Hazardous Waste; EDA Grant; Ephrata Pathway Project; BBCC Parkway Project; Larson Sidewalks; O SW Ditching; Arrow Construction Supply – Contract Extension for Roadsaver 201 Rubberized Asphalt; Solid Waste Update; and Free Dump.


            The Commissioners signed the Authorization to Call for Bids on:


1.                  Equipment Contract 2004-02, one (1) Propane Tank w/Trailer. Bids are to be opened February 10, 2004 at 2:00 p.m.;

2.                  Equipment Contract 2004-03, one (1) Tow Paver. Bids are to be opened February 10, 2004 at 2:10 p.m.;

3.                  Equipment Contract 2004-04, one (1) Street Sweeper. Bids are to be opened February 10, 2004 at 2:20 p.m.; and

4.                  Equipment Contract 2004-05, two (2) Air Compressors. Bids are to be opened February 10, 2004 at 1:40 p.m.


            The Commissioners, at the recommendation of Derek Pohle, PE, Director/County Road Engineer, Public Works Department, signed the letter in support of the use of the local government financial tests to demonstrate financial responsibility for taking corrective action and/or compensating third parties for bodily injury and property damage caused by sudden accidental releases and or non-sudden accidental releases in the amount of at least $500,000 per occurrence and $1,000,000 annual aggregate arising from operating underground storage tanks.


            The Commissioners signed, at the recommendation of Derek Pohle, PE, Director/County Road Engineer, Public Works Department, the contract extension to December 31, 2004 for MSE Environmental.


            The Commissioners held a Bid Opening on Bridge #347, S NW Rd, CRP 03-08, BRS-13CF(001), TA2581 and Bridge #388, 7 NW Rd, CRP 03-09, BRS-13CG(001), TA2582. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to refer the bids to Public Works for their review and recommendation. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners held a Bid Opening on Bridge #386, M NW Rd, CRP 03-08, BRS-13EQ(001), TA2583 and Bridge #169, Hunter Canyon Rd, CRP 00-06, BROS-2013(057), TA 1564. A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, to refer the bids to Public Works for their review and recommendation. The motion carried.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, that Resolution Number 04-017-CC, a resolution approving the Ed Schempp preliminary plat of 160 acres into six (6) lots, located in Section 7, Township 21 N, Range 26 EWM, Grant County, Washington, be passed. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners were advised by the Assessor’s Office that Resolution No. 04-008-CC incorrectly listed the total taxes as $62,300,113 when the correct value for total taxes should have been $61,273,443. A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that Resolution Number 04-018-CC, a resolution setting Grant County Levies for 2004 taxes at $61,273.443 and repealing Resolution No. 04-008-CC in its entirety, be passed. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners signed the 2004 Rodeo Facility Agreement between Grant County and the Columbia Basin Rodeo Association.


            The Commissioners signed the 2004 Grant County Fair Management Agreement between Grant County and the Grant County Fair Association.


            The Commissioners signed the Administrative Services Agreement for COBRA services between Grant County and AW Rehn & Associates, Inc. The Agreement was sent to Marsh Advantage America to obtain further signatures.


            The Commissioners approved the salary, wage, and/or position changes as recommended by Angie Clark, Human Resources Director, for Carol A. Crater, District Court.


            The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the following Final Plat Submission and Review documents:


1.                  Jake and Emma Pister (Pister SP) Final Plat Submission and Review, File #03-3677;

2.                  Milton and Dorothy Robbins (Robbins SP) Final Plat Submission and Review, File #03-3649;

3.                  Washington State Department of Natural Resources (Babcock Ridge SP) Final Plat Submission and Review, File #03-359; and

4.                  Inland Cellular (Moses Lake Land Views Co SP) Final Plat Submission and Review, File #03-3636.


            As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until January 28, 2004.


January 28, 2004


            The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


            A Public Hearing was held regarding the 2002 Cycle Comprehensive Plan. The Public Hearing was called to order by Commissioner Allison who advised those in attendance that the purpose of the public hearing was to consider the comprehensive plan amendments of the 2002 cycle. Billie Sumrall, Assistant Planner provided the following summary: following public hearings, on November 10, 2003, as a result of recommendation made by the Planning Commission, the Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution Number 03-151-CC. Since that time, the Planning Department identified that there was a fallacy in the public notice. On January 21, 2004 the BOCC signed Resolution Number 04-010-CC which rescinded Resolution 03-151-CC in its entirety. Legal notice published with the legal paper as well as other area newspapers. Notice was also mailed to individuals with applications on record. The purpose of today’s meeting: clarify error and review applications that were submitted prior to today for the 2002 amended cycle as they were identified as well as utilize testimony and that information that was submitted for the record prior to today and making it part of the record.


1.                  Application 2002-12: Colt Smith and the City of Ephrata – Land Use Designation Request for removal of the “RAID” designation from that area identified as Ephrata Area 1 and 2 and inclusion of Area 2 in the Ephrata UGA. The Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend denial of the request for removal of the RAID designation and inclusion of Area 2 with the UGA. At the Planning Commission’s July 20, 2003 meeting, the hearing was reopened and the Planning Commission voted unanimously to amend their recommend that the Lolkus and Smith property be included in the Ephrata UGA. The BOCC voted unanimously to uphold the amended recommendation of the Planning Commission to include the Lolkus and Smith property in the Ephrata UGA, and denied the remainder of the application for land use designation change. Public testimony was then taken, letters and maps submitted for the record, and clarification of the property being seven (7) parcels and 13.13 acres.


A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to continue the public comments portion of the hearing and deliberation on application 2002-12, Colt Smith and the City of Ephrata, Land Use Designation Request for removal of the “RAID” designation from that area identified as Ephrata Area 1 and 2 and inclusion of Area 2 in the Ephrata UGA, to February 10, 2004 at 3:00 p.m. to allow further review of materials presented. The motion carried.


2.                  Application 2001-01: Edmund Arreola – Land Use Designation Change request from Rural Remote to Rural Community. The proposal is to change the land use designation from Rural Remote to Rural Community on 19.75 acres of ground west of the Lower Crab Creek Road adjacent to the town site of Beverly. Public testimony was then taken and discussion ensued regarding density, RAIDs, location of property, state requirements, site development.


A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, to continue the public comments portion of the hearing and deliberation on application 2002-01, Edmund Arreola, Land Use Designation Change request from Rural Remote to Rural Community, to February 10, 2004 at 3:00 p.m. to allow further review of materials and gather additional information. The motion carried.


3.                  Application 2002-03: Terry and Jeff Cochran – Land Use Designation Change from Rural Remote to Recreation Development. The property affected consists of approximately 120 acres and is part of a larger tract located on Highway 243 near Vantage, the Columbia River, and the junction of Highway #26. Public testimony was then taken and a report submitted for the record.


A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, to continue the public comments portion of the hearing and deliberation on Application 2002-03, Terry and Jeff Cochran, Land Use Designation Change from Rural Remote to Recreational Development, to February 10, 2004 at 3:00 p.m. to allow further review of materials and gather additional information. The motion carried.


4.                  Application 2002-09: Tren Jones – Land Use Designation Change from Urban Residential to Urban Commercial. The proposal is to change the land use designation from Urban Residential to Urban Commercial, Lots 5 and 6, Astro Acres, Phase 1, Block 2 for the establishment of a grocery store, pharmacy and gas sales. Tom Jones, representing Astro Acres, testified in favor of change urging the BOCC to vote urban residential to urban commercial. Public testimony was taken.


A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, to close the public portion of the hearing for Application 2002-09: Tren Jones – Land Use Designation Change from Urban Residential to Urban Commercial. The motion carried.


A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to uphold planning commissioner’s recommendation and deny Application 2002-09 Tren Jones – Land Use Designation Change from Urban Residential to Urban Commercial, with staff to write up Findings of Fact. The motion carried.


A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to adjourn the 2002 Cycle Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing until 1:30 p.m. The motion carried.


The 2002 Cycle Comprehensive Plan Public Hearing, which was a continuation of this morning’s public hearing, was called to order at 1:30 p.m. by Commissioner Allison. There was no public in attendance.


The following applications were reviewed:


1.                  Application 2002-02    Jerry Butler, Goodrich Rd, Moses Lake - Land Use Designation Change from Agriculture to Urban Residential

2.                  Application 2002-04    Tim Cowan Enterprises, Crescent Bar – Land Use Designation Change from Recreation Development to Master Planned Resort

3.                  Application 2002-05    Buzz Fleming, Cascade Valley – Land Use Designation Change from Urban Residential 3 to Urban Residential 2

4.                  Application 2002-06    David Sparks/Grant County, Moses Lake – Land Use Designation change from Rural Remote to Agricultural

5.                  Application 2002-07    Wanda Hansen, Moses Lake – Land Use Designation Change from Agriculture to Open Space for tax purposes

6.                  Application 2002-08    Phil Herman, Moses Lake – Land Use Designation Change from Agriculture to Rural Light Industrial

7.                  Application 2002-10    Ed McLeary, McLeary Family Limited Partnership, Park Lake – Land Use Designation Change request from Rural Residential to Recreation Development or Shoreline Development

8.                  Application 2002-11    Mark McMillan, Soap Lake area – Land Use Designation change from Agriculture to Rural Residential

9.                  Application 2002-13    Chris Vizena, Quincy – Land Use Designation Change from Agriculture to Urban Commercial and Inclusion in the City of Quincy UGA

10.              Application 2002-14    Mark Poth, Moses Lake – Land Use Designation Change request from Public Facilities to Urban Commercial and/or Urban Residential

11.              Application 2002-15    Noel Yingling, Moses Lake – Land Use Designation Change request Agriculture to Current Use/Open Space for Grant County Assessors change in tax status

12.              Application 2002-16    Grant County, Lakeview Park – Land Use Designation change from Urban Commercial to Urban Residential, certain areas in Lakeview Park fronting on Highway 28

13.              Application 2002-17    Grant County/Wahluke School District, Mattawa – Land Use Designation Request from Agriculture to Public Facilities

14.              Application 2002-18    City of Soap Lake, Soap Lake – Map correction of the City of Soap Lake corporate limits, and inclusion of some Industrial properties within the Urban Growth Area

15.              Application 2002-19    TD Investments, ASPI Group, Moses Lake – Land Use Designation change from Rural Residential to Rural Freeway Commercial

16.              Application 2002-20    Grant County, Cascade Valley, Land Use Designation Change from Urban Residential 3 to Urban Residential 2

17.              Application 2002-21    The BOCC was advised by Scott that Item 2002-21, at the request of applicant Curtis Judkins, was withdrawn.


A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to close public portion of the 2002 Cycle Comprehensive Plan public hearing. The motion carried.


A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Snead, to reaffirm the decisions from the previous hearings with staff to prepare findings of fact. The motion carried.


Commissioner Allison restated that the following applications will be continued to February 10, 2004 at 3:00 p.m.:


1.                  Application 2001-01: Edmund Arreola – Land Use Designation Change request from Rural Remote to Rural Community;

2.                  Application 2002-03: Terry and Jeff Cochran – Land Use Designation Change from Rural Remote to Recreation Development; and

3.                  Application 2002-12: Colt Smith and the City of Ephrata – Land Use Designation Request for removal of the “RAID” designation from that area identified as Ephrata Area 1 and 2 and inclusion of Area 2 in the Ephrata UGA


The meeting was adjourned.


            The Commissioners approved the salary, wage, and/or position changes as recommended by Angie Clark, Human Resources Director, for Karla Krautscheid, Prosecutor’s Office; Michelle M. Slininger, Juvenile Department; Kelly L. Desgrosellier, Juvenile Department; Arnulfo (Arnold) Garza, Juvenile Department.


            The Commissioners approved the recommendation of Derek Pohle, PE, Director/County Road Engineer, Public Works Department, that the Bridge #347, S-NW Rd., CRP 03-08 and Bridge #388, 7-NW Rd., CRP 03-09 contract be awarded to Tommer Construction Company, Inc., at the bid price of $368,879.43.


            As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until January 29, 2004.


January 29, 2004


            The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


            The Commissioners signed the Public Works Payroll Journal for the month of January, 2004.


            As there was no further business to come before the Board, the session was adjourned until February 2, 2004.












Clerk of the Board


Grant County, Washington



LeRoy C. Allison, Chair



Tim Snead



Deborah Moore