Week of October 18, 2004



The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


The Commissioners approved the recommendation of Vern Cummings, Facilities Manager, for the carpet replacement to the Assessors Office and District Court be awarded to Cost Less Carpet in the amount of $12,553.80.


The Commissioners approved the minutes of the December 29, 2003 session.


A public hearing was called to order by Commissioner Allison.  Commissioner Allison stated that this hearing is being continued from October 11, 2004.  Hector Torres stated the hearing is relating to a minor zone change for a 31.83-acre parcel zoned urban residential 3 (R-3) with a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation of Low Density Residential (R-2).  The applicant desires a zone change to Urban Residential -2 in order to make the zoning consistent with the R-2 land use designation.  Commissioner Snead motioned to uphold the Planning Commission recommendation to approve the Minor Zone Change noting the 10 Findings of Fact.  Commissioner Allison seconded the motion and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance.  The hearing adjourned.


The Commissioners signed Resolution No. 04-128-CC in the matter of the support of Multi-jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Planning.


The Commissioners approved the hire date of October 11, 2004 for Robert Spence, Building Department.


 The Commissioners approved the separation date of October 29, 2004 for Erich Leesor, Prosecuting Attorney’s office.


The Commissioners approved the salary, wage, and/or position changes as recommended by Angie Clark, Human Resources Director, for Carolyn Fair, Prosecuting Attorney; and Tina M. Stoddard, Building Department.


As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until October 19, 2004.


October 19, 2004


The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amount of $545,125.75, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.


            The Commissioners met with Derek Pohle, PE, Director/County Engineer, Public Works Department, regarding 2 Bid Openings:  Quincy Area Shop and Loring/Harris/Owen/Westover Road Project; BRAC; Dodson Road Overlay; and SWAC.


A public hearing was called to order by Commissioner Allison.  Billie Sumrall stated that the proponents, R.M. Fleming and Robert Pitts, are seeking to replat Lot 3 of the Johnson Short Plat into a six (6) lot replat on 8.1 acres to be sold for residential purposes.  This subdivision was previously approved, designed, engineered, constructed and ready to be filed in accordance with the Board of County Commissioners, Resolution No. 95-90-CC.  Circumstances occurred that caused the expiration of the preliminary approval to be overlooked.  Commissioner Moore moved to uphold the Planning Commission recommendation to approve this Replat recognizing the 8 Conditions of Approval and 6 Findings of Fact.  Commissioner Allison seconded the motion and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance.  The hearing adjourned.  The Commissioners signed Resolution No. 04-130-CC relating to this matter.


A public hearing was called to order by Commissioner Allison.  Billie Sumrall stated that the  proponents, R.M. Fleming and Robert Pitts are seeking a minor zone.  This is for an 8.01 acre parcel zoned Urban Residential 3 with a Comprehensive Plan Land use designation of Low Density Residential (R-2).  The applicants desire a zone change to Urban Residential 2 in order to make the zoning consistent with the R-2 Land Use designation as a result of the 2002 amendment process. 

Commissioner Moore moved to uphold the Planning Commission recommendation to approve this Minor Zone change recognizing the 9 Findings of Fact.  Commissioner Allison seconded the motion and the motion passed with 2 Commissioners in attendance.  The hearing adjourned.  The Commissioners signed Resolution No. 04-129-CC relating to this matter.


                        The Commissioners held a Bid Opening on Quincy Area Shop and Loring/Harris/Owen/Westover, CRP 03-10, EDA Project# 07-01-05340.  A motion was made by Commissioner Snead, seconded by Commissioner Moore, to refer the bids to Public Works for their review and recommendation. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners approved the separation date of October 7 for Roger T. Hemore, Fairgrounds; October 8 for Ryan J. Blodgett, Fairgrounds; October 9 for Juan Blanco Jr., Fairgrounds; October 10 for Jeff G. Estes and Randy J. Gunderson, Fairgrounds; and October 14, 2004 for Miranda Headon, Directions in Community Living-Developmental Disabilities, Residential.


            The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Interlocal Agreement between Grant County (the “County”) and the Quincy-Columbia Basin Irrigation District (the “Participant”) for shared Geographical Information System (GIS) services.


            As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until October 20, 2004.


October 20, 2004


The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


The Commissioners approved the salary, wage, and/or position changes as recommended by Angie Clark, Human Resources Director, for Mildred Curran, Sheriff’s Office; Lucky M. Atkins and Maureen S. Maine, Juvenile.


The Commissioners approved the hire date of October 11, 2004 for Linda G. Whitaker and Terry Cullen Hake, Superior Court.


The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign an Amendment to Cost Sharing Agreement (fixing the PILT payment percentages) between the Counties of Benton, Grant, and Franklin; the School Districts of Richland, Kennewick, Wahluke, North Franklin, Prosser, Paterson, Finley, and Kiona-Benton; the Ports of Pasco, Benton and Mattawa; Grant County Fire Protection District #8; North Central Regional Library and Mid Columbia Library; and Grant County Health District #5 (Mattawa Community Health Clinic).


The Commissioners approved the budget transfer within District Court fund #512 in the amount of $2,000.00.


As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until October 25, 2004.



Signed this _________ day of __________, 2004.














Clerk of the Board


Grant County, Washington



LeRoy C. Allison, Chair



Tim Snead



Deborah Moore