Week of February 7, 2005
The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amount of 804,930.46, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.
The Commissioners signed the Final Payroll Register for the month of January 2005.
The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign a Preventive Maintenance Agreement between Grant County and York International Corporation, for the preventive Maintenance and inspection services for the Grant Mental Healthcare building.
The Commissioners approved the hire date of February 1, 2005 for Angela Webb, Directions in Community Living; and January 30, 2005 for Randy Gunderson, Fairgrounds.
The Commissioners approved the separation date of February 1, 2005 for Crystal Garza, Directions in Community Living.
The Commissioners approved the salary, wage, and/or position changes as recommended by Angie Clark, Human Resources Director, Wendy Sandmann, Directions in Community Living.
The Commissioners approved the recommendation of Angie Clark, Human Resources Director, for Human Resources to classify the new position of Human Resources Assistant position at Band 6 as recommended by the County’s salary and classification consultant.
The Commissioners approved the recommendation of Angie Clark, Human Resources Director, for Grant Mental Healthcare to classify the new position of Admitting Assistant Team Coordinator position at Band 5 as recommended by the County’s salary and classification consultant.
The Commissioners approved the request of Sharon Kiehn, Executive Director, Grant Mental Healthcare, the Transfer of Funds in Grant Mental Healthcare Fund #108, Department #150, in the amount of $98,981.11 for supplemental staffing; and Fund #128, Department #170, in the amount of $24,000.00 for to purchase a car and copy machine.
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until February 8, 2005.
February 8, 2005
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners disapproved a request from Al Holman, Fair and Facilities Manager, to hire Ron Baker to produce two grant applications and a schedule of viable funding sources for the infrastructure and master plan improvement to the Fairgrounds.
The Commissioners approved the request from Al Holman, Fair and Facilities Manager, to award the 8’ Fire Suppression Hood for the Grill area in the Concession Booth area for the Ardell Pavilion Restroom/Concession Booth project be awarded to Central Energy Products in the amount of $11,513.04.
The Commissioners appointed Debora R. Holt to the PARC Advisory Board commencing January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2007.
As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers as presented by the Grant County Health District: Payroll Vouchers #1 – 4, and General Fund Vouchers #5 – 68, in the amount of $128,072.27, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.
The Commissioners approved the request of Pete McMahon, Sheriff’s Office, for the purchase of a commercial disposal unit for the kitchen of the Maximum Secured Facility in the amount of $2,490.00.
The Commissioners approved the recommendation of Angie Clark, Human Resources Director, for PARC to hire Toni Johnson for the Treatment Supervisor position at Band 14, Step 2.
The Commissioners held a public hearing regarding a Budget Extension for the Juvenile Court and Youth Services. Juvenile department staff discussed that the Juvenile department is planning to use the Grant Funds for new lighting in the rooms, replace metal beds with concrete beds, and 2 security cameras. Also, to purchase a flat screen monitor and resurface the basketball court and add a permanent basketball hoop. Funds will also help pay for courses to train staff. The department would also like to purchase uniform shirts for the staff. Commissioner Moore moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing, Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion carried. Commissioner Moore moved to approve the grant for the modification of the juvenile facility noting that the juvenile department will carry 10% of the Grant. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion carried. The hearing adjourned.
The Commissioners held a public hearing regarding a Minor Zone change for Martin Arreola. Planning Department staff described the proposal as a 19.75 acre parcel zoned Rural Residential 3 (RR3) with a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation of Rural Community. The applicant is seeking a zone change to Rural Community in order to make the zoning consistent with the Rural Community land use designation. The subject property is known as Lot 4 of the Bise Short Plat located east of Beverly, and is a portion of the NE ¼ of section 34, Township 16 N., Range 23 E., WM, Grant County WA (Parcel# 31-1513-000). Commissioner Moore moved to uphold the Planning Commission recommendation to approve the minor zone change recognizing the 10 findings of fact. Commissioner Stevens seconded the motion and the motion carried. The hearing adjourned.
The Commissioners met with Derek Pohle, PE, Director/County Engineer, Public Works Department, regarding: 1:30 p.m. Bid Opening: Bridge #219, W-SE;
Execution of Contracts: Central Machinery (Backhoe w/Trailer)
Star Rentals (Water Pump w/Trailer)
Star Rentals (60,000 lb. Tilt Trailer)
Award Recommendation Letters: Western Power & Equip. (Power Brooms)
Freedom Truck Center (Dump Trailers)
Pape Material Handling (Fork Lift)
Addco (Traffic Message Trailer)
Day Wireless (Two-Way Radios)
MPH Industries (Traffic Speed Trailer)
United Rentals (Vibratory Plate & Hand-
Held Tamper)
Also, a Recommendation for HHW Services Provider (MSE
Environmental); Award Letter to MSE Environmental; Request for Reimbursable
Work from Town of Wilson Creek; Latecomer Agreements; Litter
Cleanup Program; and Adco Drop Box Site.
The Commissioners held a Bid Opening on Bridge #219, W-SE, CRP 04-42. A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to refer the bids to Public Works for their review and recommendation. The motion carried.
The Commissioners signed the following contracts: a) Equipment Contract 2005-08 between Central Machinery Moses Lake, WA and Grant County; b) Equipment Contract 2005-07 between Star Rentals Yakima, WA and Grant County; and c) Equipment Contract 2005-05 between Star Rentals Yakima, WA and Grant County.
The Commissioners approved the recommendation of Derek Pohle, PE, Director/County Engineer, Public Works Department, to complete work for the Town of Wilson Creek as outlined on two (2) Requests to The County Road Department for Reimbursable Work.
The Commissioners approved the recommendation of Derek Pohle, Director/County Road Engineer, Public Works Department, to award the following contracts: 1) furnish, deliver three (3) 12 cy Dump Trailers, award to: Freedom Truck Centers in the amount of $114,953.86; 2) furnish, deliver one (1) 8,000 lb Fork Lift award to: Pape Material in the amount of $36,438.17; 3) furnish, deliver two (2) Traffic Message Trailers, award to: Addco St. Paul, MN, in the amount of $32,220.00; 4) furnish, deliver twelve (12) Two Way Radios, award to: Day Wireless, Moses Lake, WA, in the amount of $4,566.41, and 5) furnish, deliver one (1) Traffic Speed Trailer, award to: MPH Industries Owensboro, KY, in the amount of $10,720.71;
6) furnish, deliver one (1) Reversible Vibratory Plate Compactor, award to: United Rentals Union Gap, WA in the amount of $5,708.10; 7) furnish, delivery of two (2) Self-Propelled Power Brooms award to: Western Power & Equipment Spokane, WA in the amount of $56,487.20; and 8) Professional Services for Hazardous Waste Collection Services award to: MSE Environmental.
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until February 9, 2005.
February 9, 2005
The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.
The Commissioners held a public Hearing regarding the creation of Ordinance 05-176-CC increasing the fee amounts collected by the Sheriff to cover costs of Administration and Operation for the Sheriff’s official services. Sheriff’s Office staff discussed that the fees had not been increased since 1991 and the office has adopted the fee schedule from Pierce County; this has been reviewed by Steve Hallstrom, Prosecuting Attorney, who has approved the schedule. Commissioner Moore moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing. Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion carried. Commissioner Stevens moved to pass this fee increase as proposed, Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion carried. The hearing adjourned.
A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, that Resolution No. 05-179-CC, a resolution relating to an amendment of the Grant County Zoning Map for 19.75 acres owned by Martin Arreola known as Lot 4 of the Bise Short Plat, be passed. The motion carried.
A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that Resolution No. 05-177-CC, a resolution designating Sam J. Lorenz, Emergency Management as the Agent for the Military Department, Emergency Management Division, to provide to the State Emergency Management Division for all matters concerning such state disaster mitigation assistance the assurances and agreements required, be passed. The motion carried.
As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until February 14, 2005.
Signed this _________ day of __________, 2005.
________________________ Clerk of the Board |
__________________________________ LeRoy C. Allison, Chair
__________________________________ Deborah Moore
__________________________________ Richard Stevens |