Week of October 10, 2005


The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


The Commissioners appointed Jaynese Granger to the Health Insurance Committee effective January, 2006.


The Commissioners approved the recommendation of the Human Resources Director for the starting rate of pay for Skye Cooley, Planning Department.


As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amount of $670,696.99, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.


The Commissioners approved the request of Emergency Management for a budget transfer from Fund #144, Department #102, in the amount of $22,000.00.


The Commissioners approved the recommendation of the Human Resources Director for Grant Mental Healthcare to reorganize their staffing as follows:

·                    Eliminate one full-time Case Manager position; and

·                    Add one full-time Brief Treatment Therapist position.


As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until October 11, 2005.



October 11, 2005


The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


The Commissioners approved the request of Grant Mental Healthcare for 1 employee to travel to Oregon for training; and the request of Directions in Community Living for 1 employee to travel to Oregon for training.


The Commissioners met in executive session from 12:35 to 1:30 with legal counsel regarding litigation.


The Commissioners approved the August 8, 15, 22, September 6, 12, and 26, 2005 session minutes.




The Commissioners met with the Public Works Director regarding: the 1:30 p.m. Bid Opening for Kulm Rd SE; Resolution for Revising Solid Waste Management Fund Disposal Fee Schedule; Letter from Jane Edinger on Improving Rd 12-NE; Letter from Steve Hallstrom regarding Stevenson vs. Grant County; Larson Grade Schools; Road Districts and their return to 5 - 8 hour days starting October 31, 2005; Solar Grade Silicon and Sludge Disposal Recommendations; and the Gloyd Drop Box CDSI Proposal.


The Commissioners held a Bid Opening on Kulm Rd, CRP 04-11.  A total of five bids were received. A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, to refer the bids to Public Works for their review and recommendation. The motion carried.


A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that Resolution No.  05-289-CC, a resolution in the matter of revising the Grant County Solid Waste Management Fund Disposal Fee schedule, be passed. The motion carried.


The Commissioners approved the recommendation of the Public Works Director, that the Kulm Rd, CRP 04-11 contract be awarded to Central WA Asphalt, Inc., at the bid price of $172,342.50.


The Commissioners signed the Public Works Claims Fund Voucher Approval No. 10-1 through No. 10-152 the total amount of $1,348,197.13, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.

The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Fancher Land Investment (Westridge Major Plat Phase 2) Final Plat Submission and Review, File #02-3524-02; and the Jim Tribble (Desert Aire No 1, Replat 20) Final Plat Submission and Review, File #05-4080-02.


The Commissioners held a public hearing regarding a Minor Zone change application from Martin Hanson et al, changing the zoning from Agriculture to Rural Residential 1 to reflect the change in the Comprehensive Plan land use designation as a result of the 2004 amendment process.  The subject parcels are located in the vicinity of the Gorge Campground along west Baseline Rd in the northeast quadrant of the intersection of County Road “W” and Baseline Rd, approximately seven miles northwest of the Town of George in a portion of S 32, T19 N, R 23 E, WM (Parcel Nos. 311009000, 150576000, 201527000, 311113000, and 311100000).  Commissioner Moore moved to uphold the Planning Commission recommendation to approve the Minor Zone change as presented recognizing the 9 Findings of Fact, Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  The hearing adjourned.


A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, that Resolution No.  05-291-CC, an Ordinance relating to the amendment of the Grant County Zoning Map changing approximately 160 acres owned by Martin Hanson, et al, be passed. The motion carried.

The Commissioners held a public hearing regarding a Minor Zone change request from Dr. Stuart O’Byrne and Carmel Galloway O’Byrne from Rural Residential to Urban Residential 2 to reflect the change in zoning as a result of the 2004 Comprehensive Plan Amendment process.  Planning Department staff stated the location of subject property involves approximately 160 acres zoned “Rural Residential 1 and 2” with a Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation of “Urban Residential 2.”  The applicants have submitted an application requesting the project area be included within the boundary of the City of Moses Lake’s Urban Growth Area (UGA) and a land use re-designation to “Residential – Low Density” (UR2).  Historically the property has been used for Agriculture and Residential uses.  It is marginal crop ground and more recently, surrounding properties have been subdivided into 5, 10, and 15 acre rural lots.  Adjoining property to the north and east (within the Moses Lake UGA is fully developed at allowable urban densities.)  Property is located in the northwest and northeast quarter section of S 19, T 19 N, R 28 E, WM, adjacent to Westshore Drive and Winesap Road in Mae Valley (Parcel Nos. 170749000, 170751000, 141702000, 170752000, 170750000, 141700000, 170753000, 141699000, and 141695000).  Commissioner Stevens moved to uphold the Planning Commission recommendation to approve the Minor Zone change recognizing the 10 Findings of Fact.  Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  The hearing adjourned.


A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, that Resolution No.  05-288-CC, an Ordinance relating to an amendment of the Grant County Zoning Map changing approximately 160 acres owned by Stuart O’Byrne and Carmel Galloway O’Byrne, be passed. The motion carried.


The Commissioners held a public hearing regarding a replat application from William Johnson to split an existing parcel into two lots.  The parcel was Lot #3 of the Soil Spray Short Plat, Phase III.  Lot #1 will be 6.19 acres more or less and Lot #2 will be 7.43 acres more or less.  There are no existing wells, structures, or septic systems on either of the two lots.  Location of the proposal is described as Lot #3 of the Soil Spray Short Plat, Phase 3, in a portion of the south half of S 24, T 19N, R 27 E, WM (Parcel No 311823000).  Commissioner Stevens moved to uphold the Planning Commission recommendation to approve the Replat as presented recognizing the 8 Conditions of Approval and 6 Findings of Fact, Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  The hearing adjourned.


A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that Resolution No.  05-290-CC, a Resolution approving the William Johnson replat application to replat Lot #3 of the Soil Spray Short Plat, Phase #3, be passed. The motion carried.


As of this date the Board by a majority vote does approve for payment those vouchers as presented by the Grant County Health District: Payroll Vouchers #1 – 4, and General Fund Vouchers #5 – 83, in the amount of $140,325.68, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.

As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until October 12, 2005.



October 12, 2005


The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


            The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign a Federal Equitable Sharing Agreement between the Grant County Sheriff’s Office and the U.S. Department of Justice and the U.S. Department of the Treasury.


As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until October 13, 2005.



October 13, 2005


The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


The Commissioners approved the August 29 and September 19, 2005 session minutes.


            As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until October 17, 2005.


Signed this _________ day of __________, 2005.














Clerk of the Board


Grant County, Washington



LeRoy C. Allison, Chair



Deborah Moore



Richard Stevens