Week of September 6, 2005


The Grant County Commissioners session was called to order at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign a Grant County Health Insurance Plan Amendment No. 1.


The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign a Corrected application for S and S Bar and Grill, 620 Main St. S, Mattawa, WA   99349 from the WA State Liquor Control Board.  Applicants are “R” Place Tavern, Inc. and Steven Eckenberg.


The Commissioners signed the Final Payroll Register for the month of August, 2005.


The Commissioners met with the Public Works Director regarding: Port/EDC Meeting/West Port Access Road; Sidewalk Work/Larsen; HHW Event on September 17th at the Ephrata Splash Zone; Solid Waste Meeting at Grand Coulee regarding the future of the Delano Landfill; and Four Cities Consortium/Out of County Waste.


The Commissioners held a public hearing regarding a minor rezone request from Mr. And Mrs. Loren McIntyre, changing the zoning from Urban Residential 3 to Urban Residential 2 to reflect the change in Comprehensive Plan land use designation as a result of the 2002 amendment process in northern Cascade Valley, Moses Lake.  Location is parcel number 12-0931-000 located in a northern portion of Cascade Valley on Lot #4, Blk. 2 of the Shorecrest Estates plat in a portion of S 8, T 19 N, R 28 E., W.M., off of Redmond Road.  Commissioner Stevens moved to approve the ecommendation of the Planning Commission and approve the Minor Zone change as presented recognizing the 2 Conditions of Approval and the 10 Findings of Fact.  Commissioner Moore seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  The hearing adjourned.  The Clerk of the Board noted that there were 7 Conditions of Approval instead of 2; the Chair of the Board reopened the hearing to amend the motion above.  Commissioner Stevens moved to amend the prior motion and change the 2 Conditions of Approval to 7 Conditions of Approval.  All Commissioners were in favor and the motion passed unanimously.  The hearing adjourned.


            A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that Resolution No.  05-276-CC, a resolution approving the Minor Zone change for Mr. and Mrs. Loren McIntyre of Lot 4, Block 2, Shorecrest Estates, Cascade Valley, be passed. The motion carried.


            The Commissioners approved the request of the Prosecuting Attorney for out of state travel to attend a conference in Illinois.


The Commissioners approved the request of Emergency Management to purchase equipment from funds from regional Contract Grant #9200-04 in the amount of $14,354.49 according to the attached spreadsheet.




As of this date, the Board, by a majority vote, does approve for payment those vouchers certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.080, and those expense reimbursement claims certified by the auditing officer as required by RCW 42.24.090, in the amounts of $43,977.68 and $568,768.08, as recorded on a listing and made available to the Board.


As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until September 7, 2005.



September 7, 2005


The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign a County Program Agreement, Client Assessment Test, between Grant County Developmental Disabilities and the WA State Department of Social and Health Services.


A motion was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Stevens, that Resolution No.  05-277-CC, a resolution increasing the advance witness fees and travel fund to $5,000.00, be passed. The motion carried.


A motion was made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner Moore, that Resolution No.  05-278-CC, a resolution regarding Strategic Infrastructure Committee recommendations for funding for the Port of Moses Lake and the City of Quincy, be passed. The motion carried.


The Commissioners approved the salary, wage, and/or position changes as recommended by the Human Resources Director for: Rick J. Bomar, Esmeralda Hernandez, and Mary K. Vannoy, District Court.


The Commissioners approved the hire date of August 29, 2005 for Carolyn Abon, Clerk’s Office, and further approved the recommendation of the Human Resources Director regarding the starting rate of pay.


As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until September 8, 2005.









September 8, 2005


The session was continued at 9:00 a.m. with all the Commissioners in attendance with the Clerk of the Board.


The Chair of the Board was authorized to sign the Crescent Golf Estates, Sunserra at Crescent Bar (Sunserra at Crescent Bar Phase 2) Final Plat Submission and Review, file #04-3838-04.


The Commissioners authorized the Facilities Manager to lower Grant County’s United States flag to half-mast as a show of respect and support for the victims of the Hurricane Katrina.


The Commissioners held a public hearing to inform the citizens of Grant County of the Surplus Auction at the Grant County Fairgrounds on September 10, 2005.  Commissioner Moore moved to close the public comment portion of the hearing, Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  Commissioner Moore moved to close the public hearing, Commissioner Stevens seconded and the motion passed unanimously.  The hearing adjourned.


The Commissioners determined that the 11th Holiday for the Non-represented employees of Grant County will be Tuesday, December 27, 2005.


            As there was no further business to come before the Board the session was continued until September 12, 2005.


Signed this _________ day of __________, 2005.














Clerk of the Board


Grant County, Washington



LeRoy C. Allison, Chair



Deborah Moore



Richard Stevens