Chairman: Ollie Click, Chairman Secretary: Becky Purcell
Vice Chairman: Doug Rathbone
Board Members: Bill West, Norman Estoos, John Hyer, Scott Rock, Debra Adams
Board Members Dinner – The Water Hole, 140 Division,
Ephrata – 5:30 pm.
Board of Adjustments Meeting -- 7:00 p.m.
MARCH 10, 1999
Approval of February 10, 1999 Meeting Minutes
Approval of February 10, 1999 Decisions of the Board.
Post-poned February Items (#1 & #2):
1) PUBLIC HEARING – KAREN WESSELIUS– Variance request to the minimum lot size requirement in the Ag zone to create two 2.5 acre home sites from a parcel 5.0 acres, located in Lake Vista Tracts, in a portion of NW ¼ of S27, T20N, R27 E.W.M., Grant County, Washington. Matt
2) PUBLIC HEARING –JOHN & DEBBIE HYER— Variance request to the minimum lot size to allow the subdivision of a four (4) acre parcel into two 2-acre parcels in the Agricultural zone. Located in Lot 32, Block 6 of the Ephrata Orchard Homes Plat which lies in a portion of S21, T21N, R26 E.W.M., Grant County, Washington. Marty
(Applicant withdrew this request March 8, 1999.)
3) PUBLIC HEARING –ANTIONETTE MORTON— Conditional Use Permit request for the location of a manufactured home for caretaker/security purposes in the Light Industrial zone. Parcel is .57 acres in size, Lots 1-4, Block 8, Townsite of Wheeler, located in the SE 1/4 of S16, T19 N., R29 E.W.M., Grant County, Washington. Peter
4) PUBLIC HEARING –TOM M. JOHNSON— Variance request to the minimum frontage on a County Road of 50 feet, to develop two lots of a four-lot subdivision with twenty (20) feet of County Road Frontage. The subject parcel is located in a portion of the NW ¼ of NE ¼ and the NE ¼ of NW ¼ of S3, T18 N, R28 E.W.M., Grant County, Washington. Ron
5) PUBLIC HEARING –RICHARD AND LINDA ROSENOW— Variance request to the Minimum Front Yard Setback to allow the location of a garage approximately seven (7) feet from the edge of the right-of-way, located as Lots 11 and 12 of Brunsch Estates, in a portion of S20, T19 N., R28 E.W.M., Grant County, Washington. Matt
6) PUBLIC HEARING –VITA BOCHLAVSKAYA— Variance request to the Minimum Lot Size Requirement to allow development permits to be issued on his 3-acre parcel in the Ag zone, located NE of Soap Lake City along the South side of State Hwy 28 in a portion of S21, T22 N., R27 E.W.M., Grant County, Washington. Peter
7) PUBLIC HEARING –MARTELL PALMER— Conditional Use Permit for the location and usage of five (5) grain storage bins to be operated and used as an Agriculturally-Related Business Activity on a 2.4-acre parcel in the Agriculture Zone. Matt
8) PUBLIC HEARING –MARTELL PALMER— Conditional Use Permit for the location and operation of an Agriculturally-Related Business usage of “Ag Pallet Manufacturing” on a 5-acre parcel in the Agriculture Zone. . Matt
9) PUBLIC HEARING –MARTELL PALMER— Conditional Use Permit for the location and operation of an Agriculturally-Related Business usage of “AgWell Drilling and Associated Business Operations” on a 5-acre parcel in the Agriculture Zone. Matt
Board of Adjustment – Questions and Comments