Chairman: Ollie Click, Chairman
Vice Chairman: Doug Rathbone
Board Members: Norman Estoos, John Hyer, Scott Rock, Debra Adams, Lee Graham
Secretaries: Becky Purcell and Dorothy Black
JUNE 14, 2000
7:00 P.M.
Approval of April 12, 2000 Meeting Minutes (erroneously approved the date of
April 5th)
Approval of May 10, 2000 Meeting Minutes
Approval of May 10, 2000 Decisions of the Board.
1. PUBLIC HEARING – Michael and Sandy Kallstrom –
Variance to the minimum lot size to create a lot approximately 2.8 acres in
size in the Agricultural zone of Grant County. Parent parcel is approximately
5.60 acres. (29-21-26) Jason, #00-2895
2. PUBLIC HEARING – Claude and Sandra House – VARIANCE–
Request to create two lots from one 6-acre lot in the Agricultural zone of Grant
County. Proposed lot sizes are 2.36 acres and 3.73 acres, with an existing house
on each parcel. (18-20-26)
Edgar, #00-2897
3. PUBLIC HEARING – Ronald Garrison –Variance – Request to a minimum lot size to subdivide a 5-acre parcel into two separate parcels in the Agricultural zone of Grant County. Proposed parcel #1 is to be approximately 2.4 acres and parcel #2 is to be approximately 2.97 acres. (2-19-25) Kristi, #00-2901
4. PUBLIC HEARING – Nick and Donna Tommer – Conditional
Use Permit– Request for a gravel pit and rock crushing operation on 260
acres in the Agriculture zone of Grant County. The excavation site will consist
of approximately 120 acres upon completion. Sand and gravel are expected to
be sold from this site. (6 – 20 – 26)
Damien, #00-2868