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Chairman: Ollie Click, Chairman
Vice Chairman: Doug Rathbone
Board Members: Norman Estoos, John Hyer, Scott Rock, and Lee Graham
Secretaries: Becky Purcell and Dorothy Black


APRIL 11, 2001
7:00 P.M.

Approval of March 14, 2001 Meeting Minutes
Approval of March14, 2001 Decisions of the Board.

1. PUBLIC HEARING – Michael & Sandy Kallstrom – Re-hearing of a Variance to minimum lot size to create two lots approximately 2.8 acres in each in the Agricultural Zone of Grant County. (29-21-26) Jason #00-2895

2. PUBLIC HEARING – Don Jacobson – Conditional Use Permit for a gravel mining operation including for sand and gravel, temporary asphalt and concrete batch plants, in the Rural Remote Zone of Grant County. (30-21-27) Ed #01-3002

3. PUBLIC HEARING – Steve Fiorito – Variance to the side yard setback require-ments of 10 feet, to be reduced to 5 feet, in the Shoreline Development-4 Zone of Grant County. (2-18-22) Jason #01-3044

4. PUBLIC HEARING – David & Patricia Goodwin – Conditional Use Permit for Extended Family Living, located in the Agricultural Zone of Grant County.
(18-25-30) Kristi #00-3059

5. PUBLIC HEARING – David & Patricia Goodwin – Variance to the 1,000 square foot restriction for an Accessory Dwelling Unit. Located in the Agricultural Zone of Grant County. (18-25-30) Kristi #01-3068

6. PUBLIC HEARING – Gerould Young – Variance to the side yard setback requirements of 10 feet, to be reduced to 5 feet, in the Shoreline Development-4 Zone of Grant County. (2-18-22) Jason #01-3063

7. PUBLIC HEARING – David Hubbs – Conditional Use Permit for Extended Family Living, located in the Agricultural Zone of Grant County. (28-15-23)
Kristi #01-3072

8. PUBLIC HEARING – Ken Toevs/RCB Family Partnership – Variance to exceed the 300 square feet allowed for a fruit stand in the Agricultural Zone of Grant County. (9-20-23) Kristi #01-3077

9. PUBLIC HEARING – Grant County PUD #2 – Conditional Use Permit for a substation and approximately12 miles of transmission line, to provide power to the local area and relieve overload conditions at the existing Whitetrail and Burke substations. Located in the Agriculture Zone of Grant County. Kristi #01-3078

10. PUBLIC HEARING – Wiley Allred – Variance to the 1,000 square footage restriction allowed for Accessory Dwelling to allow a 1,234 square foot home for Farm Labor Housing, located in the Agricultural Zone of Grant County.
(29-17-28) Jason #01-3082

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