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Chairman: Ollie Click, Chairman
Vice Chairman: Doug Rathbone
Board Members: Norman Estoos, John Hyer, Scott Rock, and Lee Graham
Secretary: Becky Purcell


JULY 11, 2001 ~ 7:00 P.M.

Approval of June 13, 2001 Meeting Minutes.
Approval of June 13, 2001 Decisions of the Board.

1. PUBLIC HEARING – Larry Myrick - Conditional Use Permit for a Major Utility Development - to allow the temporary (one year or less) placement of ten diesel-powered electrical generators that will generate 15 megawatts more or less of continuous electricity, in the Agricultural Zone. (20-17-28) Ed #01-3117

2. PUBLIC HEARING – Tim & Keith Hanson – Variance to the requirement of posting 150% cash payment requirement that would ensure actions and improvements necessary to connect to public water and sewer system, and requirement for the utilization of municipal utilities (sewer and water), of the City of Moses Lake. (30-19-28) Kent #01-3134

3. PUBLIC HEARING – Jeffrey & Glenda Moore – Conditional Use Permit for an Extended Family Living arrangement on 5.4 acres in the Rural Residential-3 Zone. (35-20-28) Kevin #01-3132

4. PUBLIC HEARING – Gary Christensen – Conditional Use Permit for a Major Utility Development - to allow the temporary (one year or less) placement of six diesel-powered electrical generators that will generate 15 megawatts more or less of continuous electricity, in the Agricultural Zone. (33-17-26) Ed #01-3140

5. PUBLIC HEARING – Elke/Brown– Variance to allow an 8 foot Front-Yard Setback, instead of the required 20-foot setback, in order to build a detached garage, in the Rural Community (RC) Zone. (18-17-28) Kent #01-3146

6. PUBLIC HEARING – Doug & Ann Happe – Variance to allow a 5-foot Front-Yard Setback, instead of the required 10-foot setback, in order to build a detached
garage, in the Urban Residential-3 Zone. (28-19-22) Billie #01-3149

7. PUBLIC HEARING – Don & Mary Paine – Variance to allow a 5-foot Side-Yard Setback, instead of the required 10-foot setback, in order to add on to an existing deck, in the Rural Community Zone. (18-17-28) Kevin #01-3151

8. PUBLIC HEARING – Bryan Vance (for Sandi Lester) – Variance to the sign size restric-tion, to allow a 6' 4" X 12' sign in the Rural Community Zone. (18-17-28) Billie #01-3154

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