Chairman: Ollie Click, Chairman
Vice Chairman: Doug Rathbone
Board Members: Norman Estoos, John Hyer, Scott Rock, and Lee Graham
Secretary: Becky Purcell
APRIL 10, 2002
7:00 P.M.
Approval of March 13, 2002 Meeting Minutes.
Approval of March 13, 2002 Decisions of the Board.
1. PUBLIC HEARING – Tim Rutty - Variance to the 10 foot
side-yard setback to allow the house addition to be 6.5 feet from the property
line in Crab Creek Estates. (35-20-28) Kent #02-3295
2. PUBLIC HEARING – Ken Miller - Variance from the 10-foot
setback to build a garage 6 feet from the property line, in Sunland Estates.
Richard #02-3298
3. PUBLIC HEARING - James Ossello – Variance from the 10-foot side and rear setbacks to build a shop 7 feet from the side property line and 5 feet from the rear property line, in Marine View Heights. (17-17-28) Richard #02-3301
4. PUBLIC HEARING – Stanley Johnson - Variance to the
10 foot setback requirement to allow construction of a storage building adjacent
to an existing house and garage to be 5 feet from the property line. Marine
View Heights.
(18-17-28) Kevin #02-3303
5. PUBLIC HEARING – Charles Deyo - Variance to the 10-foot
setback requirement to allow construction of a home 5 feet from the side property
line (south) and 7 feet from the north property line, in Sunland Estates. (2-18-22)
Kevin #02-3315
6. PUBLIC HEARING – CG.C. Public Works Dept.- Variance
to the maximum sign size, for a sign identifying the Public Works Shop Facility,
in the Urban Heavy Industrial zone. (7-16-26) Ed #02-3318