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APRIL 9, 2003 Mitch calls to order at 12:00 p.m. Mitch gives a disclosure statement regarding an attorney in his firm representing Grant County. Mitch swears in the audience in mass. Mitch gives a disclosure statement regarding an attorney in his firm representing Grant County. 1. PUBLIC HEARING – Ron Johnson - to allow conversion of a building previously used as a restaurant into retail space and a small cafe in the Rural Community zone.
Ed presents the following from the staff report: The Proponent is Ron Johnson for David Shelton, 910 – 9th. Ave. SW., Quincy The subject parcel is located at 9843 Crescent Bar Road, in the northwest quarter of Section 18, Township 20 N, Range 23 E WM. The Zoning is Rural Community and surrounding zoning is also Rural Community on all sides This proposal is SEPA exempt because the building is less than 12,000 sq. ft. in size. Table 5 in Chapter 23.04 (Zoning) of the Unified Development Code, lists Allowable Land Uses for Rural Activity Center Zoning Districts, which includes the Rural Community zone. On page 75, line 22, it indicates that Retail Sales and Services in the Rural Community zone are allowed with a Conditional Use Permit, an eating establishment is allowed outright. This application was mailed to the agencies listed in your staff report for their review and comment. Comments were due on March 25, 2003 Copies of the agency comments are in the staff report at Attachment C. In summary: the Grant County Building Official/Fire Marshal: The Health District wrote: Notice of application for this proposal was published in the Columbia Basin Herald on March 10, 2003, mailed to neighboring property owners, and posted on site. There was one comment received from Mr. Wayne Smith, 23829 Road 9.8 NW, Quincy, WA 98848. Mr. Smith wrote “I whole heartily agree with the Conditional Use Permit that Ron Johnson has requested for the Shelton family …” (See Attachment C for a copy of Mr. Smith’s letter) Staff Comments Mitch questions change of use permit issued by Building Department. He asks Ed Harrell to expand on that. Ed Harrell states that the department would do a inspection to make sure it is consistent with the extended use. Mitch Delabarre calls proponent to the stand. Mr. Ron Johnson, 508 Castlewood place, Wenatchee, WA , 98801, previously sworn. Would like to encourage the approval of change in use. Purchased in 1999 and struggled to run it. The multi purpose use seems to be a better solution. Mitch asked when last operated as restaurant. Johnson stated may of 2001. Also ran catering through sept of that year. Open to public hearing. Mr. David Shelton, 910 9th Ave, Quincy, WA 98848, previously sworn. States he is the one involved in the purchase of the building. He has submitted everything done for this application. Mr. Shelton states he currently owns and operates the Quincy antique facility. Plans to start with Latte/espresso and eventually do a soup and sandwich deli. We would like to restore the exterior look to the building to the original look from the 1920's. Kent Lacey, 23791 Road 9.7 N. W., Quincy., previously sworn. States that everyone in the area is enthusiastic about the project. We support the restoration and everything in this proposed project. We are delighted to see a full time store proposed in the area and we love antiques. He also states that they do not know of anyone less then enthusiastically supportive. Nor further comments. Public hearing closed. No further comment from Mr. Johnson and Mr. Harrell Mitch states that he will have a written decision within 10 days. Meeting closed at 12:15 p.m. Back to Hearing Examiner Agendas and Minutes Home | Assessor | Auditor | Building/Fire
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