Hearing Examiner: Mitchell P. Delabarre
Planning Staff: Scott Clark, Director, Ed Harrell and Kent Zeimer, Project Planner’s
Secretary: RoseMary Dart
JUNE 11, 2003
12:00 NOON.
Mitch Delabarre calls the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.
Mr. Delabarre states general order of items.
Mitch reads a disclosure statement into the record
My name is Mitch Delabarre and I will be conducting the hearing today as Hearing
Examiner. I am an Attorney with Jeffers, Danielson, Sonn & Aylward. An Attorney
from my firm is representing Grant County in a pending litigation matter. I
am not involved in that matter nor am I familiar with any of the facts. The
representation in that case is unrelated to any issues I will address as Grant
County Hearing Examiner and will have no impact on my decision-making. Would
anyone like to comment on this disclosure?
The audience has no comments.
Mitch swears in the audience.
Do you hereby swear or affirm under penalty of perjury under the laws of the
State of Washington that the testimony you give is truthful and accurate to
the best of your knowledge and Belief? Audience answers in the affirmative.
Counter #18
1. PUBLIC HEARING –Fred Jones - Conditional Use Permit
for the placement of a dog kennel in the Agriculture Zone.
File No. 03-3596
S. 18, T. 21 N, R. 24 E.
Hector Torres-Project Planner
Counter #25
Hector presents staff report along with Agencies/Department and public comments
that have been received.
Counter #71
Hector shows overheads of the following:
The first is a site plan. The second is a vicinity map. The third a building
used as a dog kennel. The fourth is of storage bins for water and food. The
fifth is of the dog run. The sixth is a photo of the side of the dog kennel.
The seventh looks down into the kennel area where he feeds and waters the dogs.
The eighth is a photo of an individual run.
Hector asks Mr. Delabarre if he has any questions regarding the staff report.
Mitch states that he has no questions.
Mr. Delabarre asks if there was anyone who would like to speak on behalf of
the Conditional Use Permit.
Mitch calls the Proponent, Mr. Jones to the stand.
Fred Jones, 5661 Penn Avenue, Rock Island, WA. Previously sworn. Gives statement
regarding his use of dog kennel. He allows no one to come to his property but
takes the dogs to his kennel at Rock Island to sell which helps keep the dogs
fed and cared for.
Mitch asks if anyone has complained about the kennel.
Counter #160
Mr. Jones states that he has found out about one neighbor who lives approximately
nine miles away and can’t be seen from the kennel.
Mitch opens to public hearing. No comments given from the audience.
Hearing closed.
Counter #204
Mitch asks Hector if he has any further comments.
Hector states that the applicant is under code enforcement action to come into
compliance. A letter is included and supplemental added to staff report.
Mitch asks if compliance with building codes is an issue? That will not be
part of his decision but would like to know out of curiosity.
Hector: reads comments from building department that stated that this represents
a commercial establishment. Fire flow requirements for storage will be required
and must comply with all other state and local codes for this type of use. Hector
states that the Building Department didn’t state that there were any direct
violations in building code so he cannot comment.
Counter #229
Hearing is concluded on Mr. Jones’ request. Mr. Delabarre states that
he will have a written decision to Planning within ten days.
PUBLIC HEARING –Inland Cellular - Conditional Use Permit
for the construction of a 180-foot high communications (cellular) tower in the
Open Space Conservation Zone.
File No. 03-3560
S. 33, T. 25 N, R. 28 E
Kent Zeimer – Project Planner
Kent presents the staff report along with Agencies/Department and public comments
that have been received.
Kent shows overheads of the following:
The first is a map of Coulee City and the tower location near Eighth Street
also know as Road I. The second is a site plan submitted by proponent that shows
the city street in Coulee City proceeding south and curving to the east with
the right hand side showing the city limits. The third is the eastern edge of
the parcel boundary where the tower would be located. The fourth is the West
end of parcel looking east. This would be Road I and the city limits with structure
on property adjacent to road. The fifth is looking to the NW showing building
on site with location of tower site.
Kent states they have attached a condition #9, which would be added to conditions
of approval. The reason we did this as a condition of approval is because the
applicant didn’t want a lot of engineering costs for this location.
Mitch asks if there is anyone who would like to speak on behalf of the application.
Mr. Delabarre calls the Proponent to the stand.
Proponent Bob Hellwig. PO Box 688,Roslyn, WA. Previously sworn. He would like
to emphasis that Inland is proposing to upgrade their service throughout Grant
County up Highway Two (2) with the other sites installed after this. They are
trying to increase enhancements for 911 in the lake area. Mr. Hellwig also states
there is another tower in the area but 2500 feet away.
Counter #380
Mitch asks if the other tower is a cellular tower and how high is that tower.
Mr. Hellwig states that the tower is 180 foot.
Mitch asks it that is the standard tower height.
Bob states that it varies and in this case they proposed up to 180 feet but
plan to build at 120 feet because they are on the boundary for their licensed
area. There would be no significance for them to go any higher.
Mr. Delabarre opens for public hearing. No comments from audience.
Mitch closes public hearing.
Mitch asks if there are any further comments from staff.
Kent states he has no further comments.
#Mitch concludes hearing. Mitch states that he will have a written decision
within 10 days.
Meeting adjourned at 12:35 p.m.
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