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Mitch Delabarre calls the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. Mr. Delabarre states general order of items. Mitch reads a disclosure statement into the record The audience has no comments. Mitch swears in the audience.
Kent presents the staff report along with Agencies/Department and public comments
that have been received. Kent asks if Mr. Delabarre has any questions. Mr. Delabarre opens the public hearing and asks if there is anyone who would like to comment. Chris Knutson, Quincy, Washington, previously sworn. States that he is the builder of the hanger and states that the lot at Desert Aire is designed for Airplane hangers. There is adequate space for septic systems even though the hanger is larger then normal. There are twenty existing airplane hangers in the same area. This particular lot and the adjacent lot are on the taxiway of the airport itself so it is specifically designed for this use. The owner will meet the other four requirements for fire codes and property line setbacks. Mr. Delabarre asks if there are any other comments regarding the Harang Conditional Use Permit application? Mr. Delabarre closes the public hearing. Mr. Delabarre asks Mr. Zeimer if he has any additional comments. Mr. Delabarre-That will conclude our first agenda item our second is The Lakeview Golf and Country Club. Mr. Torres will present the staff report. 2. PUBLIC HEARING – Lakeview Golf & Country Club - Conditional Use Permit for the placement of a 30’ x 150’ golf cart storage building in the Urban Residential 2 Zone of Grant County.
Hector Torres presents the staff report along with Agencies/Department and public comments that have been received. Mr. Delabarre asks if Mr. Torres has taken the oath. Mr. Torres states yes. Mr. Torres states there was an issue as to which parcel the building was being placed. Hector explains he has pictures of the site and where the building will be placed but the parcel number has not been clarified. It will be clarified before any building permits are signed. Mr. Torres brings up significant staff comments pursuant to Grant County code
23.04.100, nonconforming uses are permitted to expand subject to a conditional
use permit. No agency of jurisdiction or member of the public expressed adverse
comments regarding this proposal. That comment has to be clarified. A letter
was received which is in the supplemental information portion at the end of
the Staff Report from Mary S. Meldrum regarding her opinion on the proposal.
Mr. Torres asks Mr. Delabarre if he would like that read into the record. Mr. Torres – The new golf cart storage building will be placed next to the existing golf storage building. No adverse comments were received from The Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife regarding impacts to critical areas. It is not considered a substantial change to the existing development and use of a Golf Course with supporting facilities. Hector reads the Staff Analysis: Although the UDC generally contemplates that nonconforming uses and activities are allowed to continue until they are removed as to not encourage their expansion, the Code also expressly provides a mechanism for their expansion, modification and intensification (GCC 23.04.100(d)) provided that the development meets specific criteria and conditions. In this case, the development appears to meet the requirements of 23.04.100(d) in that it will not increase any nonconformity with regard to the “requirements of the GCC” (Development Standards, 23.12) or Critical Areas regulations. In addition, the proposal will be contained within the existing property boundaries and will be consistent with the “development standards” of the UDC upon completion of the required development applications. Based on review of the Comprehensive Plan and Unified Development Code, it is Staff’s opinion that there are no substantive inconsistencies within the text if 23.04.100 as it relates to the provision of expansion, modification or intensification of nonconforming uses that would preclude the Hearing Examiner from considering approval of this project. Hector reads Staff Recommendation: Based on the above review, comments and analysis, staff finds the proposed development to be consistent with the purpose and intent of the Comprehensive plan as well as the requirements of the Unified Development Code. Therefore, Staff recommends approval of the application subject to the suggested conditions of approval. Hector asks if Mr. Delabarre would like to see the pictures. Mr. Delabarre states he has pictures but would like Hector to explain if the new cart storage area is comparable in size to the existing cart storage area. Hector states he is not sure how big it is. Mr. Delabarre then asks if that is the site where the new structure will go. Hector states yes where the ground has been leveled. Mr. Delabarre states he has no further questions. Mr. Delabarre calls Mr. Wallace on behalf of the Proponent. He asks Mr. Wallace
if he has taken the oath. Mr. Delabarre – Has Mr. Wallace review the letter. And opens for public hearing. Asks if anyone would like to comment. No public comments. Public hearing closed. Nick Wallace states he has reviewed the letter from Mary S. Meldrum 3. PUBLIC HEARING – Consolidated Disposal A Conditional
Use Permit to permit the construction of truck-wash/gas station, scale house
and proposed for future construction, recycling building, and waste transfer/truck
maintenance building (27,800± square feet) in
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