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PLANNING COMMISSION AGENDA Chairman: Gary Piercy COMMISSIONERS’ HEARING ROOM - GRANT COUNTY COURTHOUSE - EPHRATA, WASHINGTON JULY 12, 2001 @ 7:00 PM Review and Approval of June 6, 2001 Planning Commission Minutes Review and Approval of the 2000 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Minutes of May 30, 2001, May 31, 2001, June 6, 2001 and June 14, 2000. Review, approval and signature of Recommendation directed to the Board of County Commissioners in regards to the 2000 Comprehensive Plan Amendments.
– PRELIMINARY PLAT to allow a subdivision of 57.55 acres in the Rural
Residential –1 zone into 10 lots. The lots will range in size from 5 acres
to 6.47 acres. 3. PUBLIC HEARING – BILLY & DeENTA BANGS –
REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION to allow the development of a single family dwelling
on approximately 4.75 acres in the Rural Remote zone of Grant County. 4. PUBLIC HEARING – MUFFETT & SONS – REPLAT
application to allow the division of an 8.9-acre parcel into two 4.45 acre parcels
in the Rural Residential-1 zone of Grant County. 5. PUBLIC HEARING – BRUCE & MICHELLE MATTHEWS –
REASONABLE USE EXCEPTION to allow the development of a single family dwelling
on approximately 1 acre in the Rural Community zone of Grant County. PLANNING COMMISSION – QUESTIONS AND COMMENTS Back to Planning Commission Agendas Home | Assessor | Auditor | Building/Fire
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